The Urbanists: Urbanist Bike Shops | Bike Courier Meghan Mack
The Muddy: Rides and Shops | Cyclocross Pro Molly Cameron
The Speedsters: Rides and Shops | Track Champ Zak Kovalcik | Hardest Bike Ride in PDX
The Weirdkeepers: Rides and Shops | The Unipiper
The Longhaulers: Rides and Shops | Cycling Tourist Ellee Thalheimer | Bikepacking to the Coast
BMX: Rides and shops | Goods BMX's Shad Johnson
Portland Bike Gear | PDX Airport Carpet Wear | Full Bike Shop Directory
21st Avenue Bikes
916 NW 21st Ave. (Alphabet District), 222-2851, 21stbikes.com.
New bikes (Globe, Salsa, Specialized, Surly), custom builds, rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $13.
A Better Cycle
2324 SE Division St. (Richmond), 265-8595, abettercycle.com.
Used bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $11.
A Convenient Cycle
811 SE Main St., No. 106 (Buckman), 267-8284, aconvenientcycle.com.
Used bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $14.
Abraham Fixes Bikes
3508 N Williams Ave. (Boise), 893-2485, abrahamfixesbikes.com.
Rebuilds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
Athletes Lounge
2671 NW Vaughn St. (OWLI), 477-5906, athleteslounge.com.
New bikes from Argon, BMC, Cervelo, Giant, Specialized. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10-20.
BackPedal Cycle Works
7126 SE Harold St. (Mount Scott), 891-9842, backpedalcycleworks.blogspot.com.
Used bikes, new KHS bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15 rear, $12 front.
Bike Central
15707 NW McNamee Road (unincorporated Multnomah County), 227-4439, bike-central.com.
Custom-built track bikes, large inventory of track- and road-bike parts. Parts and labor for flat repair: $14 ($19 with rim strip replacement).
Bike Commuter
8301 SE 13th Ave. (Sellwood), 505-9200, pdxbikecommuter.com.
Used bikes, new bikes (Breezer, Norco, RedLine, SE Racing, Velo; can order Raleigh and Surly), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $14.
Bike Gallery Downtown
1001 SW 10th Ave., 222-3821. Other locations include: 5329 NE Sandy Blvd. (Hollywood), 281-9800; 4235 SE Woodstock Blvd. (Woodstock), 774-3531; 9347 SE 82nd Ave. (Clackamas), 254-2663. bikegallery.com.
New bikes (Trek, Cannondale, Electra and more). Parts and labor for flat repair: $16.50.
Bike N' Hike
400 SE Grand Ave. (Eastside Industrial), 736-1074, bikenhike.com.
New BMC, Stromer and Giant bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Black Bird Bicycle Repair
104 N Failing St. (Boise), 975-9974, blackbirdbicyclerepair.com.
Used bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $11-$12.
Block Bikes
7238 N Burlington Ave. (St. Johns), 819-6839, blockbikespdx.com.
Used and new KHS and Torker bikes. Parts and labor for flat repair: $11.
Burlingame Bikes
8431 SW Terwilliger Blvd. (South Burlingame), 208-3735, burlingamebikes.com.
Used and new Jamis bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Citybikes Workers Cooperative
1914 SE Ankeny St. (Buckman), 239-0553, citybikes.coop.
New bikes (Jamis, KHS, Surly), used bikes. Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
Clever Cycles
900 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (Hosford-Abernethy), 334-1560, clevercycles.com.
New Linus, Breezer, Simcoe bikes and others, custom builds, bike rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10-15.
Community Cycling Center
1700 NE Alberta St. (Alberta), 288-8864, communitycyclingcenter.org.
Used bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
Coventry Cycle Works
2025 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (Buckman), 230-7723, coventrycycle.com.
New recumbent bikes, bike rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $27.
2725 SE Ash St. (Buckman), 610-8356, crankpdx.com.
New Public and Phelps bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $8.
2436 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. (Eliot), 281-0485, cyclepathnw.com.
New Pivot, Yeti, Pinarello, Cervelo and Moots bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10.
Cycle Portland Bike Tours
117 NW 2nd Ave. (Old Town), 902-5035, portlandbicycletours.com/bike-shop.
Used bikes, custom builds, rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $13.
Cynergy E-Bikes
3822 SE Powell Blvd. (Creston-Kenilworth), 719-7678, cynergyebikes.com.
New Easy Motion, IZIP, EG and A2B electric bikes, conversion kits. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10 for regular bikes, $16 for electric.
The eBike Store
809 N Rosa Parks Way (Piedmont), 360-1432, ebikestore.com.
New eZee, Kinetic, BH and Stromer bikes, conversion kits, rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10
En Selle Road Bike Shop
6200 SW Virginia Ave., No. 200, 244-6754, ensellebikes.com.
New BMC bikes, custom Land Shark bikes. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Everybody's Bike Rentals
305 NE Wygant St., 358-0152, pdxbikerentals.com. Rentals. See page 29.
Fat Tire Farm
2714 NW Thurman St. (Northwest), 222-3276, fattirefarm.com.
New mountain bikes (Specialized, Santa Cruz, Salsa, Rocky Mountain, Pivot, Giant, Ibis). Custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $16-$20.
Gladys Bikes
2905 NE Alberta St. (Concordia), 373-8388, gladysbikes.com.
New Bianchi, Papillionaire, Surly and Sweetpea bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
Gracie's Wrench
5050 NE Simpson St. (Cully), 839-1880, gracieswrench.com.
Classes, summer camps and riding-skills workshops.
The Go By Bike Shop
Southwest Moody Avenue and Gibbs Street, under the Portland Aerial Tram (South Waterfront), 971-271-9270, gobybikepdx.com.
Rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Goods BMX
2808 NE MLK Jr. Blvd., Suite O (Eliot), 282-5408, goodsbmx.com.
New bikes (Cult, Fit, Kink, Sunday, Subrosa, etc.), vintage bikes, rebuilds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $7.
Hi-5 Bikes
3935 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. (Boise), 971-279-2594, hi-5bikes.com.
New bikes (Banshee, Transition), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10-$15.
Hollywood Cycling
5258 NE Sandy Blvd. (Hollywood), 281-1671, hollywoodcycling.net.
New bikes (Fuji, Kestrel, SE Racing), rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15
2113 SE 7th Ave. (Hosford-Abernethy), 954-2410, islabikes.com.
Joe Bike
2039 SE Cesar E. Chavez Blvd. (Richmond), 954-2039, joe-bike.com.
New Surly, Salsa, Spot, Norco bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
Kalkhoff Electric Bicycles
528 NW 11th Ave. (Pearl), 220-2300, kalkhoffusa.com.
New bikes (Kalkhoff), used bikes. Parts and labor for flat repair: $20.
Kenton Cycle Repair
2020 N McClellan St. (Kenton), 208-3446, kentoncyclepdx.com.
New Doublecross and Marin bikes, used bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $16.
Lucky 13 Bikes
5020 SE Division St. (Richmond), 234-1313, lucky13bikes.com.
New bikes (Raleigh, Swobo, more). Parts and labor for flat repair: $11.
Meticon Bikes
5927 SE Foster Road (Foster-Powell), 771-1737, meticonbikes.com.
New bikes (Torker), used bikes. Rebuilds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $11-$12.
Metropolis Cycle Repair
2249 N Williams Ave. (Eliot), 287-7116, metropoliscycles.com.
New bikes (Raleigh, Felt). Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
The Missing Link
7215 NE Sandy Blvd. (Roseway), 740-3539, missinglinkpdx.com.
New bikes (KHS, Globe). Parts and labor for flat repair: $16.
North Portland BikeWorks
3978 N Mississippi Ave. (Boise), 287-1098, northportlandbikeworks.org.
New bikes (Jamis, Linus), used bikes. Custom builds and rebuilds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $11-$12.
Oregon Bike Shop
418 SE 81st Ave. (Montavilla), 575-1804, oregonbikeshop.com.
New bikes (Rocky Mountain), used. Custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $16.
The Outer Rim
10625 NE Halsey St. (Parkrose Heights), 278-3235, outerrimbicycles.com.
New bikes (Marin, Fuji, Felt, Haro, Fit, Masi, Phat, many others), rebuilds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.99.
Pedal Bike Tours
133 SW 2nd Ave. (Downtown), 243-2453, pedalbiketours.com.
Rentals, tours. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Performance Bicycle
Mall 205, 9988 SE Washington St. (Hazelwood), 408-8150, performancebike.com.
New bikes (Fuji, GT, Diamondback, SE, Charge, Ridley), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.98.
Planet X Bikes
63 NE Hancock St. (Eliot), 894-8956, planet-x-usa.com.
Makes new bikes (Planet X, Titus, On-One). Custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10.
Portland Bicycle Studio
1435 NW Raleigh St. (Pearl), 335-8356, portlandbicyclestudio.com.
Focus on mid-to-high-end road and cyclocross bikes. New and custom cyclocross (Parlee, Giant, Focus, Rocky Mountain, Ritte, Ridley), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $16.
1405 NW Johnson St. (Pearl), 221-1938, rei.com.
New bikes (Novara, Scott, Marin, Diamondback, Electra). Full-service repair. Parts and labor for flat repair: members $17, nonmembers $22.
6509 N Interstate Ave. (Arbor Lodge), 285-1084, revolverbikes.com.
New hybrid, cyclocross and touring bikes (All-City, Breezer, Civia, Kona, Fuji, Surly), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10.95.
Ride Yr Bike
5829 SE Gladstone St. (Foster-Powell), 358-6066, rideyrbike.com.
Custom builds, Surly Pugsley fat bike rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $0-$10.
River City Bicycles
706 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. (Eastside Industrial), 233-5973, rivercitybicycles.com.
New bikes (Specialized, Giant, Cervelo, Jamis, Scott,
Time, Seven, Waterford, Gunnar, Ritchey, Cielo, Santa Cruz, Ibis),
custom repairs. $10.
River City Bicycle Outlet
534 SE Belmont St. (Buckman), 446-2205, rivercitybicycles.com.
Discounted new bikes (Specialized, Giant, Jamis, GT, Scott, Globe, Raleigh, Faraday).
Sellwood Cycle Repair
7953 SE 13th Ave. (Sellwood), 233-9392, sellwoodcycle.com.
New bikes (Kona, Giant, Foundry, Yuba), used bikes. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10.
Seven Corners Cycles
3218 SE 21st Ave. (Hosford-Abernethy), 230-0317, 7-corners.com.
New bikes (Jamis, Surly, Fuji, Breezer). Parts and labor for flat repair: $11.95
Southwest Bicycle
3605 SW Multnomah Blvd. (Multnomah Village), 246-0333, southwestbicycle.com.
New bikes (Norco), used bikes. Parts and labor for flat repair: $11-$13.
Splendid Cycles
407 SE Ivon St. (East Side Industrial), 954-2620, splendidcycles.com.
Cargo bikes, custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Sunset Cycles
15320 NW Central Drive, Suite D-1 (Washington County), 531-9254, sunsetcyclesnw.com.
New bikes (Specialized, Ridley cyclocross bikes). Parts and labor for flat repair: $13.
Universal Cycles
2202 E Burnside St. (Buckman), 943-6152, universalcycles.com.
New bikes (Kona, Salsa, Surly, KHS, All-City), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $16-$30.
911 NE Dekum St. (Woodlawn), 388-0305, upcyclespdx.com.
New bikes (Torker), rebuilds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15
Veloce Bicycles
3202 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (Hawthorne), 234-8400, velocebicycles.com.
Used and new road bikes (Pinarello, Jamis, Masi, Cinelli,
Atir), custom builds, rentals (carbon aluminum, steel road bikes). $11.
Velo Cult
1969 NE 42nd Ave. (Hollywood), 922-2012, velocult.com.
Occasional used bikes, new bikes (Linus, Surley, Soma, Fairdale, Winter, custom Velo Cult bikes from Winter and Ribbondale), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
Waterfront Bicycles
10 SW Ash St., No. 100 (Old Town), 227-1719, waterfrontbikes.com.
Used and new bikes (Fuji), custom builds, rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $12.
Weir's Cyclery
5279 N Lombard St. (Kenton), 283-3883, bicyclerepairportlandoregon.com.
New bikes (Jamis), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $13.95.
West End Bikes
1111 SW Stark St. (West End), 208-2933, westendbikespdx.com.
New (Specialized, Wilier, Globe, Calfee,
Colnago, Cinelli, Brompton, Santana), custom builds, rentals. Parts and
labor for flat repair: $13.
Western Bike Works
1015 NW 17th Ave. (Slabtown), 342-9985, westernbikeworks.com.
New (Cannondale, Bianchi, All-City, Guru, Scott), custom builds, city bike rentals. Parts and labor for flat repair: $15.
WTF Bikes
3117 SE Milwaukie Ave. (Brooklyn), 232-4983, wtfbikes.net.
Used bikes, new bikes (Detroit), custom builds. Parts and labor for flat repair: $10-$11.
WWeek 2015