Review: Zeus Arsenal Smite

The Canadian dollar is weak right now. Currently, one Loonie will buy only three American quarters, plus a nickel and a penny. This is information you should know if you're in the market for a loose-leaf vaporizer. Canada's largest retailer of vaporizers has a new house brand, Zeus Smite, which retails for only $129…Canadian! As of press time, that works out to just $104.53 American, with free shipping to boot.

The Zeus Smite is a big-boy vape, about the size of a pack of cigarettes. There are slide-open compartments on top and bottom. The top one holds ground-up flower—it's a narrow, deep compartment, and you'll need the little metal tool to manage it. The bottom one holds a rubber mouthpiece that screws on to the top. With the mouthpiece on, the vape looks like a little walkie-talkie. There's only one button, which adjusts between three temperatures. On the highest setting, you can feel some heat radiating off the anodized aluminum case. It's not quite as discreet as the uber-sleek Pax 2, but it is less than half the price.

The big advantage of the Smite, beyond price, is the super-smooth draw. The oven is medium in size and probably enough to handle most users' needs without forcing them to repack on the fly. The battery is slow to charge through an old-fashioned AC adapter but has a long life, up to three hours in our experience.

If you don't have a loose-leaf vaporizer yet, you're missing out. And if you don't have $200, but you do have $100, say a prayer of thanks to Zeus and Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, whose failed economic policies are a boon to American cannabis users. 

BUY IT: Go to to buy the Zeus Smite at Canadian prices.

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