Snow Is in the Forecast for the Portland Area This Weekend—but Don’t Freak Out Yet

Portland's balmy, sunny weather will come to an end on Sunday, when a front will bring colder temperatures and precipitation.

You might've noticed snowflake icons on your weather app's forecast for early next week, which usually signals chaos here in Portland.

But don't panic just yet. It's unlikely that temperatures will drop enough for snow to hit the ground in the Willamette Valley.

Though there is a slight chance of snow Sunday and Monday, according to National Weather Service meteorologist Miles Higa, the forecast for early next week is "not the perfect set up for widespread snow."

"This is one of those situations where it's a very marginal case for snow," he says.

Portland's balmy, sunny weather will come to an end on Sunday, when a front will bring colder temperatures and precipitation. It's unclear if it will get cold enough for snow, though.

The predicted precipitation system is likely to come in from over the ocean, meaning it'll probably be too warm for much snow below 500 feet. The fact that Portland will mostly stay above freezing in the days before the system arrives makes snow all the more unlikely.

All factors considered, Higa estimates there's only about a 25 or 30 percent chance that Portland will see any snow next week—it's not impossible, but very far from a guarantee.

"It's just not a slam-dunk chance for snow," he says.

Related: Do Portlanders Really Scramble for Kale Before Snow? We Checked Stores in Five Quadrants.

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