What Do You Think of the Occupy Ice Movement in PDX?

Our favorite looks this week.

(Sam Gehrke)

"Deportation in our country is cruel and unusual. From the children we see alone without their families to immigrants who have been Americanized being deported to a country they are unfamiliar with. When I think about it from a Korean perspective, I have no idea what I'd do if all of a sudden I had to go back."

"Bottom line: Separating families at the border is wrong. Occupy ICE is definitely making a statement, but I believe that sometimes the ways in which things like it are handled leave no room for a dialogue."

"The Occupy movement is a positive way to get a message across. It promotes action through nonviolence, which is important in an age where police brutality is so commonplace and protesters are portrayed in a negative light."

"While I do believe people should come into the country correctly, I also understand that we have it good here, or at least better than some places. If I was fighting to survive, I would probably think that America was one of my few options. I think it's cool that people are stepping up to interrupt ICE."

"I'm originally from Germany, visiting here from Toronto, Canada. I support Occupy ICE. The thing that hits me is seeing immigrant children alone, without anyone to hold them or console them."

"Without being informed to speak on it thoroughly, I know separating families is bad, so I think Occupy ICE is a good thing for now. I think you just have to ask yourself, 'Is this way of handling deportation necessary? Is deportation necessary at all?'"

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