
421 C St., Washougal, Wash., 360-335-9909, 4-10 pm Wednesday-Friday, noon-10 pm Saturday, noon-8 pm Sunday.

Given the bomb-themed branding, you might expect this Washougal brewery caters to hairy-chested hopheads. And, yes, the double IPA is called "Come at Me, Bro," while two regular-strength recipes are "Agent Orange" and "Nuclear." But it's also a place where you can grab a seat at the picnic table and enjoy a complimentary bowl of popcorn from the oil popper while playing a game of Battleship with the kids. The popcorn is buttery, but the beer is not. Actually, everything we had here was well-made, especially a super-tart raspberry Berliner Weisse. Lots of brewpubs have a stack of rarely used board games. Maybe it's the mushroom cloud on the walls, or maybe it's the roasty stout, but something about this place makes people want to play Jenga.

Drink This: Agent Orange is the orangiest IPA I've ever had. Doomsday adds some peel to bring out the notes found in Citra and Simcoe hops.

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