It's Snowing in Portland, Which Means a Bunch of Weird Stuff Is About to Go Down

It's snowing—kind of!

(Anna Jaye Goellner)

It's happening—sort of! Nothing is sticking yet, but there is definitely some wind howling and some snowflakes falling from the sky.

Alaska Airlines has already canceled about 50 flights in and out of PDX, and Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas school districts are closed, as well as all City of Portland offices.

We tried to find some photos of today's snow, but there aren't any yet. Instead, there are many photos of the lack of snow:


But shit always gets weird when it snows in Oregon. Nobody knows what to do, so they ski the streets of the Pearl, attack professors with snowballs and slide on ice to bars. This is all because of 2-4 inches of snow. Even Portland Bureau of Transportation decided they're going to tow cars today?

Here's what happened in 2014, when people decided to take the city on skis.

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