Drink 2011: Red Fox

That long sunless stretch from September to April can be rough. But try dragging your cold husk out into the night and into Red Fox once in a while, for there is solace here, in the form of an almost parental concern for your fall-into-winter-into-second-winter blues. The kitchen dishes up gumbo fries ($7) to help keep your skeleton warm underneath a necessary layer of fat, while the magnificent Bärenjäger hot toddy ($7) attends to your sweet tooth and sour mood.  Even the regulars evince empathy, their conversations conducted in hushed tones so as not to startle you out of your half-hibernation. Everything's gonna be all right. CHRIS STAMM.
What to drink: Bärenjäger hot toddy.
Happy hour: $1 off beer and wine 4-6 pm daily.
Entertainment: Jukebox.

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