Drank: Axes of Evil (Gigantic Brewing/Three Floyds Brewing)

Axes of Evil is a fence mender. Despite the massive flying skull on the side, Indiana's Three Floyds Brewing didn't make half this beer. ("I didn't even know that happened," said the guy who picked up the phone in Munster.) But who could blame Portland's upstart Gigantic Brewing for plastering the much-lauded brewery's logo on this English pale ale? Gigantic has been brewing in its industrial facility for only a few months, and its owners were trained by Rock Bottom and Hopworks, so this collaboration is a coup. Gigantic's Van Havig might thus quell the minor furor that erupted after his friend Nick Floyd dissed Portland beer in the Chicago Tribune back in April. ("Look at Portland. It's still based on Willamette and Cluster [hops]. It's the same fucking beer you were drinking 30 years ago!") Thus far, this is the best brew I've had from Gigantic—smooth and bright, with clean resiny flavor—but, don't be fooled, it's no Three Floyds Alpha King Pale Ale.

WWeek 2015

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