Bar Guide 2015: Watson Hall


12655 SW 1st St., Beaverton, 616-2416, 11 am-10 pm Tuesday-Thursday, 11 am-11 pm Friday-Saturday, 11 am-9 pm Sunday.

The suburbs are not exactly the first place one goes for a good drink or good night noises or much of anything really. But Watson Hall is not too shabby—for the first part anyway. This gin joint sits just off highway 217 in the heart of downtown Beaverton on the same block as a midcentury modern consignment store and its sister restaurant, Decarli. The cocktail menu is respectable and the happy-hour snacks delightful (especially the $3 grilled Gruyere). For those happy-hour fiends reading this, be sure to ask your server what the $6 specialty drink is: Only one on the cocktail menu qualifies. Between the tattooed servers, the haute bar food and aging yuppie patronage, Watson Hall wouldn't be out of place in the Pearl or downtown. It currently stands as the best place to stop for drinks on day trips to Beaverton.

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WWeek 2015

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