HOT ACTION: Mary Starrett on Sept. 11, 2001

WW: What do you think happened on September 11, 2001?
WW: During tonight's Q and A, you indicated that you do believe it was more than just allowed to happen.
WW: At this event tonight, you spoke about a lot of other events in the past which had led you to believe in government conspiracies before 9/11, such as Waco and Ruby Ridge. What connection do you see among all of these events?
WW: So what happens in a group like this when you get off the subject of 9/11 or the Iraq War and there's a lot of places where you disagree?
WW: There may be people here tonight who are part of a gay couple, who came together with their partner. Do you feel like you could effectively discuss 9/11 with them, knowing that you probably disagree on a lot of fundamental issues around gay rights?
WW: How do your Christian beliefs inform your views on 9/11?
WW: People who have these views that you have about 9/11 tend to get dismissed as freaks or wackos or fringe. What do you think it will take to change that?
Check out Hot Action, WWire's weekly post about activists, demonstrations and other hot political action in and around Portland every week.


Saturday, March 3

1:15pm, 3pm and 4:40pm at the Hollywood Theater, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd. $6.

Sunday, March 4

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Monday, March 5

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