Irrelevant Interviews: Benjamin Starshine

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the Seeds
Benjamin Starshine!
What's your favorite thing to have for lunch?
Yes! So amazing there. Do you use the green sauce and the red sauce?
What's the funnest thing you did this summer?
On the Fruit Loop?!
Like the cereal?
That's awesome and makes so much more sense [than Fruit Loops]. What was your favorite farm?
Do you have a favorite kind of cherry?
Do you think cherry is your favorite berry?
Where do you want to tour but haven't?
Have you ever been over there before?
What was your favorite place in New York?
Was there a specific place that made you go “Awwww?”
What is your…
Have you ever been?
What was your favorite thing about it?
Ok. Favorite late night cart?
What was the last great movie you saw?
Yes. Yes you can.
Gold Diggers
He does those great large dance numbers, right? With all the dancers going together in unison like synchronized swimmers?
What's your favorite outdoor activity?
Do you have a favorite spot?
Favorite David Bowie album?
[The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the] Spiders from Mar
Favorite song on there?
In the Wizard of Oz, which character do you identify with the most?
Do you think Al Gore actually invented the internet?
Where's the best place to find a record in Portland?
Do you remember the last record you bought there?
Final question: What's your favorite decade of music?
Any particular style, label, band?
How did you first find out about them?
Best of Lou Reed
Did you know who he was when you picked up the record?
(Psst. If you miss the band then, Benjamin Starshine is coming back on September 24 to play the East End.)
Benjamin StarshineSpace
Free download of Benjamin Starshine's first album!
Images by Kat Gardiner.

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