Notes on our Restaurant Guide

Chiang Mai

As you may have noticed from the scroller on the home page, our Restaurant Guide is out today. I think it's pretty good. It is not, however, perfect. Four errors have so far been brought to my attention. The person who finds lucky number five (should it exist) will receive his or her choice of a slightly-used 2002 AP Stylebook or a fabulous meet and greet with one of our many talented interns. So read it veeeeeery clooooooosly

—The address for Podnah's Pit, our restaurant of the year, is, much to my embarrassment, incorrect. The restaurant is at 1625 NE Killingsworth St., not, as printed, 1625 N Killingsworth St.

—After we went to press, Bluehour ended its brunch service. The restaurant now opens at 5 pm Saturdays and Sundays.

—There are two omissions in the index. In the neighborhood index, Gilt Club is missing. It should be Under Old Town/Chinatown, and is reviewed on page 39. In the cuisine index, Kurata is missing from the Japanese category. It is on page 46.

Some thanks are in order for a few folks who didn't get sufficient recognition in the guide: to the Dragonfly Coffee House for letting us take over the front window to shoot the cover; to the whole staff at Podnah's for hosting our secret supper last night; and to Adam, for consenting to have his face in print twice.

Finally, I'm aware that my choice of restaurant of the year is a point of contention in some quarters. While my opinion is—of course!—the only correct one, I think this is a debate worth having: If you were sitting in my crumb-covered editor's chair, what restaurant would you have named, and why?

WWeek 2015

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