Video: Mean Jeans, "Is Anybody Out There?"

This new video from Mean Jeans, which finds the band blasting green space aliens and drinking Jägermeister—one gets the distinct impression that most of the set props come from the band's personal collection—is pretty amazing, though it threatens to distract from just how awesome this song is. But then, the band's ultra-specific party aesthetic is always going to be a little love or hate for new listeners. I mean, they own Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure on Laserdisc (hey guys, I have the Star Wars Trilogy, maybe we should trade?).

My advice is to listen to it once with your eyes open, watching the Star Trek-esque vid (they built the spaceship in a friend's barn, according to Vice, where the video premiered), and then listen again with your eyes closed. The fact is that the Jeans' second record, Mean Jeans on Mars, is startlingly uplifting and affecting, even with all the kitsch. It becomes pretty evident (to me, anyway) that partying is something of a religion to the boys, and that it is not something to be taken as lightly. Which is slightly at odds with this video...but this is a really fucking cool video. Nice work, Brett Roberts.

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