It List: The Top 10 Things in Portland and the World

it list

Each week our culture scientists rank their 10 favorite things in the universe. The resulting list is infallible. The list is perfect. If you don't agree with the list, you are wrong. Some items may stay atop the list for weeks, others may only make a brief appearance. Some items are Portland-centric, but only because Portland is at the center of the universe. Please do not write to us, asking for the metrics behind the list. We will not provide source material. We will not be swayed. Bow down to the list. Love the list, as the list loves all things. Let the list move through you. (And, you know, if you have suggestions for the list, stick them in the comments section below.)

1. Snickers Ice Cream Bars

2. Los Lobos' Kiko
This is the 20th anniversary of the one of the greatest American albums, by one of America's best bands. The Spin generation loved it; the Pitchfork generation has yet to discover it. With a reissue coming out this month, there's no better time for a revival. 

3. Iowa
Good job giving this scared little boy, a student of well-known Tweaker Welfare Queen Ayn Rand, the shit he deserves. 

4. Hell on Wheels
So bloody, dirty and sweaty. We don't even like Westerns. But oh how we love this Western. Season 2 is off to an excellent start.

5. Casey Jarman's "It's Not a Portland Summer Until You've..."
Making the list for a seventh week (up 5 places from #10) because it's still summer!

6. Rob Zerban
Wouldn't it be awesome to see Paul Ryan lose his seat in congress, too?  

Made solely by one Russian dude, it's not often you play a game and say "wow, what an awesome physics engine" but: wow, what an awesome physics engine.

8. The Commonwealth of Nations
Proof, once again, that the world's best places to live are (almost) all in the empire. 

9. Landry Clarke
His family knows him as Jesse Plemons, but for Friday Night Lights fans, he'll always be Landry (or Lance). But after last night's Breaking Bad, he might forever be known for something much different. Crucifictorious, bitch! (And yeah, this is yet another Breaking Bad reference in It List. You've got a problem with that?)

10. This:

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