Koi Fusion Abandons Free Trail Blazer Tacos

Are you still recovering from a difficult-to-embarrassing weekend in Oregon sports?

Come on, pal. Hold it together. We can get through this—as a community. A brotherhood, even.

After all, the Trail Blazers are winners. Ten-game streak! Let's go to the game tonight and watch 'em smoke the woeful Knicks. Then we can soothe our pain by redeeming that 100-point McMuffin coupon for a free Korean taco at Koi Fusion.

Wait, what? The promotion is cancelled?

CNNSW is reporting Koi Fusion owner Bo Kwon—who proclaimed the taco giveaway to a delighted Internet last week—is quietly abandoning the plan.

"According to a source close to the situation, KOi Fusion will not be promoting its McDonald's exchange promotion anymore," Chris Haynes reports. "The source who spoke on the condition of anonymity says after some time to reflect on the idea, owner Bo Kwon realized he had bit off more than he could chew."

So, yeah. That's a bummer. Especially since the Blazers haven't scored 100 points at home since Koi Fusion's announcement, so the local taco chain has given away no tacos. (It's not clear if Koi Fusion will honor coupons if handed them; the company hasn't replied to WW's request for comment.)

But maybe the marriage of the Blazers and free quasi-Mexican fast food was always star-crossed. If you love something, you have to let it go.

And there's a silver lining, to make you happy when skies are gray: Several area McDonald's plan to honor the Sausage Egg McMuffin coupons beyond their three-day window.

So you'll be able to get all the free McMuffins you want. How do you feel now?

WWeek 2015

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