Cool Nutz Is For The Children

Portland's Hip-Hop Ambassador throws "The Greatest Toy Drive Ever" this Saturday.

Somehow, this listing was left out of today's print edition, but it certainly deserves some shine—for the lineup alone, not to mention that it's a toy drive. And not just any toy drive: The Greatest Toy Drive Ever, apparently.

[RAPS-GIVING] Cool Nutz is for the children. For years now, the Mayor of Portland Hip-Hop has used his status as one of the local music scene's major players to help the less fortunate, throwing what he so humbly calls "the Greatest Toy Drive Ever." My knowledge of toy drives is fairly minimal, so I can't back up that statement, but I can say with a certain degree of authority that most other holiday fundraisers rarely feature a lineup so loaded with hip-hop talent. Aside from Nutz himself, the show features a bevy of rising rhyme-slingers, including northwest locals Serge Severe, Zoo?, Maze Koroma and Grayskul of sprawling Seattle crew Oldominion, as well as Oakland hyphy heavyweight Mistah F.A.B. And that's not even to mention the Blazers' in-house DJ OG One on the tables. Come, give, and get hype—it's good for the soul. (Get tickets here.) Ash Street Saloon, 225 SW Ash St., 226-0430. 8 pm. $12 general admission, $3 with gift donation. 21+.

WWeek 2015

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