Former Portland Public Schools Principal Lashes Out Against 'White Female Fragility'

Dishy blog post takes aim at Superintendent Carole Smith's 'strong power base' of lesbian leaders.

Verenice Gutierrez
an explosive personal blog entry

The blog post's title? "When Men of Color Sacrifice Women of Color to Save Fragile White Women."

Gutierrez abruptly left Scott School in December, becoming one of several PPS principals to leave their posts in the 2014-15 school year, one that appeared to many teachers and parents to have unprecedented churn. She then joined Glenn Singleton's Pacific Educational Group, the contractor PPS has paid millions to facilitate its "Courageous Conversations" on race.

She's not one to back away from controversial ideas. 

Gutierrez drew national attention in 2012 after a story in the Portland Tribune on PPS's racial equity efforts blew up. In the article, Gutierrez is quoted questioning a teacher's use of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as a concept in a lesson. "What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” she asked.

National news outlets distorted her message.

"Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official," one headline blared.

But the national spotlight hasn't weakened her opinions.

Here is Gutierrez's blog post (in italics) with annotations from WW to provide context:

This week I have been supporting two strong Latina leaders as they deal with situations that have no merit and really should have never happened.

WW: This year, two Latina principals, Marti Diaz and Sara Gandarilla, went on leave. Diaz left her job after other principals accused her of assaulting her partner on a weekend camping trip last fall. No charges were ever filed, but Diaz was on leave for the rest of the 2014-15 school year. Gandarilla went on leave in April, telling parents it was for medical reasons. Records released to WW after her departure show Gandarilla went on leave from her previous job in the North Clackamas School District. Gandarilla alleged her employer had created a hostile environment after she spoke out against racial discrimination.

What bothers me the most about their current situation is that it is two men of color, one Latino and one Black, who are the ones that are perpetuating the most marginalization, oppression and micro-aggressions on these two strong Latinas. AND they are doing so in response to White fragility, specifically White female fragility.  Nothing stops racial equity work faster and more effectively than White women tears.  Once they start to flow, the person of color that is the (alleged) cause of the tears is immediately demonized and everyone goes to her rescue.  For more on this see this.

WW: It appears Gutierrez is talking about Assistant Superintendent Antonio Lopez and Sean Murray, chief human resources officer.

One of my Latina colleagues (and friend) already met with this duo and I was floored by what she told me about the meeting, how it went and what was said. This morning I woke up knowing that yet another colleague (and friend) would be meeting with these men later in the morning. I sent her a message, part of which I am sharing here because these thoughts are really, truly what every fiber of my being is telling me has happened to my colegas and amigas:

...ultimately you were leading the work that the district constantly says it stands for - racial equity for the most marginalized students. You and I both know, though, that when the work is real and deep the district panics - especially White teachers. You will face two men of color who should be ashamed of themselves!! They are completely perpetuating White fragility. In your case, especially White woman fragility. They gave into the construction of you as the "dangerous other" and ran right into being the protectors of the fragile White woman. Pendejos!! A couple hundred years ago the noose would be around their necks almost immediately after they sacrificed you because as men of color they are the ultimate "dangerous other". In this day and in this context, their noose will soon come from a predominately White board...So, remember my friend that you are brilliant, you have so much to offer and that you will bounce back from this to help nuestros hijos y futuras generaciones."

WW: Portland voters in May elected four new members on its seven-person board a new board. The new board has six white members and one woman who identifies at Chicana.

"A bit harsh? Perhaps but the anger and the passion that I feel when I hear my friends struggles mirror the ones that I went through at the hands of White teachers who had enjoyed privilege for way too long burns deep. When I went through the thick of it I had no support, no protection and very little guidance. It was until 13 months and into a second attack that I called my superintendent to very specifically demand that certain steps be taken. It was my very firm demands that finally got me something - a nice Facebook post saying (I'm paraphrasing), "this principal is ok and we kinda like her". Gee, golly. Thanks y'all!  The rest of the time White women were working furiously to sabotage my work and defame my character at every turn.

But these are merely isolated incidents you may say.  Well let's see...

A White lesbian Principal has an affair with her subordinate and she gets moved to a new school. A Latina Principal pushes racial equity work, White teachers complain to the union and she gets put on leave 'to protect the district.'"

WW: Teachers complained Gandarilla created a "hostile, threatening, and intimidating working environment." 

"A White bisexual female Principal hacks into a server using her lover's access and gets told not to do that again. A Latina Principal that has pushed racial equity work that is making White teachers unhappy (and complaining to the union) and as soon as there is a "reason" she too is put on leave."

WW: The Latina principal she refers to may be Diaz.

"A White lesbian Principal bashes the district in the media. Nothing happens. A Latina Assistant Principal pushes racial equity work that makes her White lesbian Principal uncomfortable and she ends up on a plan of assistance.

So, are all White lesbian and/or bisexual female Principals held to softer consequences while strong Latinas pushing hard on equity get to be sacrificial lambs? And, disciplinary action is ultimately decided by TWO MEN OF COLOR!!  Men of color coming to the rescue of fragile White women. Even still coming to the rescue of White LGBTQ women which is a strong power base in this particular organization. Scarier than a fragile White woman is a fragile LGBTQ woman. They are quite effective at interrupting the work. A lot of racist policies were meant to protect fragile White women from mean, dangerous coloreds and they milk that. Add the othering of the LGBTQ community and it is hard to deal with how their narrative screams oppression and White privilege simultaneously. But I have strayed...I'm not ranting about the LGBTQ White woman who uses her statuses to her advantage. Good for her, work that privilege and stand up to any oppression you encounter sister. As well you should. The problem here is with the two men of color.

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