Portland Rally Peacefully Protests Police Violence

Albina Ministerial Alliance Rallies at Pioneer Square
Albina Ministerial Alliance
Mayor Sam Adams
Police Chief Mike Reese
Officer Ronald Frashour
Aaron Campbell
has recommended the firing.
James Chasse Jr.
who was beaten to death in 2006
Jack Dale Collins
who was fatally shot by police last March

"We are all in this together," said Rep. Lew Frederick (D-Portland). "This is on all of us because basically we want to see a better future."

"We would be remiss if we did not thank those officers who marched with us today," said Bishop A. A. Wells, who serves on the board of the Albina Ministerial Alliance. "We thank God for the dedication of those officers who have placed their lives on the line for the safety of their community."

AMA Rally Takes to the Streets
AMA Rally at City Hall

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