Get Your Reps In: The Infamous “Star Wars Holiday Special” Appears on the Big Screen This Week

The 1978 program is screening during the 10th anniversary of Hollywood’s Re-Run Theater Series, along with retro commercials and “A Cosmic Christmas.”

Star Wars Holiday Special (Literary Hub)

There Will Be Blood (2007)

Paul Thomas Anderson’s acclaimed historical epic charts the rise and fall of insatiable oil baron Daniel Plainview, played pitch-perfectly by Daniel Day-Lewis, who deservedly won Best Actor for his menacing performance. An honorable mention goes out to co-star Paul Dano for his dual roles as twin brothers Eli and Paul Sunday. Cinemagic, Dec. 22.

Christmas in Space (1977-78)

For the 10th anniversary of the Hollywood’s signature Re-Run Theater series, the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special (1978) and A Cosmic Christmas (1977) will screen as a retro-TV double feature. You can also expect plenty of outlandish ‘70s and ‘80s ads to run throughout the showing and special prize giveaways. Hollywood, Dec. 22.

The Master (2012)

Another Paul Thomas Anderson pillar, this one a psychological drama starring Joaquin Phoenix as a hypermasculine World War II veteran and Philip Seymour Hoffman as a charismatic philosopher who takes advantage of his vulnerability to lure him into his religious cult. Partly inspired by L. Ron Hubbard and the “church” of Scientology. Cinemagic, Dec. 23.

Black Christmas (1974)

Cited as one of the earliest slasher films (John Carpenter has credited it for influencing Halloween), the original Black Christmas follows a group of sorority sisters who receive a series of threatening phone calls before being killed off, one by one, during the holiday season. Clinton, Dec. 24.

Madagascar (2005)

Sacha Baron Cohen’s rendition of “I like to move it, move it” as King Julien forever altered a generation of young minds. Honor the regal lemur’s legacy by “moving it” to the Academy Theater for a screening of this animated comedy about a posse of animals that escapes New York’s Central Park Zoo and winds up in Madagascar. Academy, Dec. 24-30.


Academy: A Christmas Carol (1938), Dec. 22-23. White Christmas (1954), Dec. 22-23. It’s A Wonderful Life (1946), Dec. 24-30. Clinton: The Big Lebowski (1999), Dec. 22-26. Dakota 38 (2012), Dec. 26. Hollywood: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Dec. 23.

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