Mx. Dahlia Belle Keeps Meeting “Friendly Nazis” in Portland

No one skewers hypocrisy in the Rose City quite like Belle, who topped this year’s Funniest Five poll.

Funniest Five 2024: Mx. Dahlia Belle (Michael Raines)

The word “fearless” doesn’t begin to do Mx. Dahlia Belle justice. An unsparing humorist who comments on both her own life and current events, she’s already something of a public figure figure, having called out Dave Chappelle’s anti-trans rhetoric with an 2021 open letter published in The Guardian.

As per usual, Belle pulled no punches at WW’s Funniest Five Showcase at the Alberta Rose Theatre, delivering a rant about “friendly Nazis” she says that she’s met in Portland. Watch as she tells a tale of discovering bigotry in surprising places (including, spoiler alert, an adult arcade).

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