No high holiday is complete without an appropriate spread of canna-accessories—and we’re talking about more than just a glasstastic collection of pipes and bowls.
Contemporary cannabis accessories have outgrown the classic head-shop selection of hand-blown smoke tools and ironic tie-dye merch. Today’s adjunct cannabis industry is far more robust, complex and femme led than ever before.
That change has manifested in these six canna-companies, which have eschewed the established THC-driven, heavy-lidded, mostly white and male stoner archetype for something arguably truer to the cannabis plant entirely—big womana energy.
So whether you’re an old-school water pipe aficionado, a spoon pipe enthusiast, a stick-sucking vape lord, or any manner of cannabis consumer in between, consider rounding out not just your stash box but your notions of cannabis accessories altogether with a little something from one of these femme-founded and -led companies.
1. Clarity Aromatherapy Inhaler (Make & Mary)
The feeling you get when you go nostril deep into a new container of top-shelf buds is an aromatherapeutic reaction that can positively affect your mood before you even light up—and Make & Mary has captured a mild, mollifying version of that fragrance in its sleek, rose-gold aromatherapy inhalers. These could be especially calming and rejuvenating for desk-bound stoners looking for a super-low-stakes pick me up.
GET IT FROM: Make & Mary, 2506 NE Sandy Blvd., 503-444-7608,

2. Eye Wand (High Society Collection)
Most joint holders have graduated from bent bobby pins and surplus medical clips. Now we can choose slick works of wearable art that can decorate a pocket square, dangle from a gold chain, or secure a topknot. Case in point, High Society Collection’s Eye Wand joint holder is one of several such handmade smoking accessories. High Society’s entire line of Portland-made wearable art employs familiar designs to subvert antiquated cannabis constructs while looking positively charming on just about anyone.

3. Buddy Personalized One-Hitter (Budwell)
Even before COVID, Buddy’s personalized one-hitters were stash box must-haves. And now that we’ve established that maybe pipes should no longer be passed to new pals, streamlined units such as the Buddy have become the next best way to share a gram with a friend. These pipes disassemble for easy cleaning and even come with gold mouthpieces for those in need of an extra flex.

4. Functional Glass Micro Pipe Necklace (Blunted Objects)
Another one-hitter for the stoner on the go is the functional micro pipe from Blunted Objects. These eensy bowls hang from long chains and hold just enough nug crumbs to lighten the mood. It’s more of a novelty than a functional pipe, so when layered with other statement pieces or in between T-shirts it becomes virtually invisible. That is, until you light it up and start blowing skunky smoke rings.

5. Vixen Herb Blend (Oracle Wellness)
Herbal blends like Oracle Wellness’ Vixen blend can be rolled with cannabis to create a smooth-smoking, floral-tinged spliff, or steeped for a lightly medicated tea, or even sprinkled over a foamy bath for maximum DIY opulence. Oracle Wellness’ THC-free formulation includes Oregon Cherry hemp-CBD flower, rose petals, blue lotus, damiana, lavender and hibiscus to create an aromatherapeutic smokable, sippable and soakable botanical blend.