WW presents "Distant Voices," a daily video interview for the era of social distancing. Our reporters are asking Portlanders what they're doing during quarantine.
As one campaign season ends, another is beginning. But this one is guaranteed to make you feel better, and help your fellow Portlanders.
Nov. 1 marked the launch of Give!Guide, WW's annual fundraising drive to benefit 174 Portland-area nonprofits. Last year, G!G raised $4.7 million for the institutions that protect the people and places Portland citizens care most about. This year, amid a devastating pandemic, G!G aims to raise $5 million.
Why get more ambitious in such a difficult year? G!G executive director Toni Tringolo says the increased demand Portland nonprofits are seeing required a bigger response. These groups aren't the behemoths of the nonprofit sector; they're tiny, frontline responders who have little time for fundraising. Give!Guide is their lifeline.
In this interview, Tringolo, who took the reins at G!G this year after three years as the foundation events manager at Albertina Kerr, outlines the new challenges of helping the helpers in the COVID era. And if you're feeling like you could use a treat in this rough season, she hints at what prizes await the generous.