Portland's Badass Women's Protest Choir is Performing at the #ICantKeepQuiet Day Flash Mob This Weekend

They will be singing "I Can't Keep Quiet" by MILCK.

Portland's Badass Women's Protest Choir will be participating in "I Cant Keep Quiet Day," a day held in honor of Maya Angelou's birthday and Dr. Martin Luther King who on this week gave his "The Time to Break Silence" speech in 1967.

Activist organization Love Army is marking the day with several flash mob events around the country.

The Badass Women's Protest Choir PDX first came together after the 2016 election.

Rebecca Stuhlbarg, a voice teacher at Vox Academy, conducts the choir.

"We came together out of a shared desire to stand up for women's rights, environmental justice and equal rights for all," says Stuhlbarg.

Flash mobs are being organized in cities all over the world and on April 8 they will simultaneously begin singing "I Can't Keep Quiet " by LA-based singer MILCK who wrote the song about her experience with sexual assault. The song became an anthem of the worldwide Women's March earlier this year.

Despite the eyesore of construction work at Pioneer Square, the choir will occupy the space and begin the flash mob on Saturday at 4pm.

"On Saturday we will descend upon the square, all 70 of us and just make our voices heard," Stuhlbarg says. "We are spreading the message that we can't keep quiet about civil rights, women's rights and environmental justice."

The choir plans to return to the streets for the Tax March on April 15 as well as the March for Science  on April 22.

Organizers of the inclusive I Cant Keep Quite Day encourage women and individuals who identify as genderqueer or trans to participate and to use the hashtag #icantkeepquiet and #lovearmy to share their experience.

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