No. 25 Because Portland Still Has a Free Print Alt-Weekly.

The physical presence of the hard copies, available for free throughout the city, is a weekly notice that independent journalism is alive in Portland.

4814 Cover (Thomas Teal)

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Harvard University’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism warned of a “total annihilation” of alt-weekly newspapers. The report tallied more than a dozen that had either ceased publication of a print edition, or folded altogether, in March 2020 alone.

Portland wasn’t spared. The Mercury announced that same month it would no longer publish a physical paper, although the newspaper still continues to regularly publish stories online.

Now, almost two years into the pandemic, Willamette Week is the only alt-weekly in Portland that publishes a print newspaper. The physical presence of the hard copies, available for free throughout the city, is a weekly notice that independent journalism is alive in Portland.

But don’t take our word for it. Here’s a note we received in December from bestselling author Cheryl Strayed: “Thanks for your good work. Portland needs you!”

See all 25 Reasons to Love Portland here!

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