What We’re Cooking This Week: Giant Clam Dip

If you plan on eating your share of the 12 million pounds of potato chips scarfed down on Super Bowl Sunday, you’re going to want some dip.

Giant Clam Dip Photo by Jim Dixon.

Jim Dixon wrote about food for WW for more than 20 years, but these days most of his time is spent at his olive oil-focused specialty food business Wellspent Market. Jim’s always loved to eat, and he encourages his customers to cook by sending them recipes every week through his newsletter. We’re happy to have him back creating some special dishes just for WW readers.

If you’re one of the 100 million or so Americans who’ll be eating your share of the 12 million pounds of potato chips scarfed down on Super Bowl Sunday, you’re going to want some dip. While guacamole remains the favorite scoopable foodstuff for football fans on the big day, that creamy avocado mash is likely mounded on tortilla chips (we’ll go through more than 8 million pounds of those, too).

But even if you’re not into football, a spectacle best described by NPR’s Linda Holmes in a 2014 review of Steve Almond’s blistering book Against Football: One Fan’s Reluctant Manifesto as “a sport built on violence, racism, economic exploitation of poor kids, corrupt deal-making with local governments over stadiums, and a willingness to find it entertaining to watch people suffer brain damage,” you still want this dip. It may be the only time you get to eat the world’s largest clam.

Most of us only know the geoduck (derived from the Nisqually word gʷídəq and pronounced gooey-duck) because of its striking resemblance to a giant penis. But the oversized bivalve, native to the cold Pacific waters of British Columbia and Washington, is also delicious. While most of the geoduck harvest goes to China, where the phallic-like siphon is considered an aphrodisiac, Portland’s own Tiny Fish Co. offers a tinned version. Founder Sara Hauman describes her smoked giant clam-in-a-can as “like bacon,” but it’s got a distinctive clamminess that provides the essential flavor for chip-dipping goodness.

Farmers cheese, cream-cheese adjacent but less creamy, can be found at Wellspent Market, some New Seasons stores, and in other well-stocked cheese cases. If you can’t find it, use cream cheese.

Giant Clam Dip

1 pound Gina Marie Farmers Cheese

1 can Tiny Fish Co. smoked geoduck

4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup mayonnaise

Put the farmers cheese in a bowl. Drain the liquid from the tinned geoduck into the same bowl, then blend in the olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, mayo and salt. Chop the drained geoduck finely and stir it in. Serve with potato chips.

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