Shows of the Week: Erika de Casier Leans Fully Into the Skittery Sound of the Era’s Inventive Post-Timbaland Pop Charts

What to see and what to hear.

Erika de Casier (Erika de Casier)

Thursday, April 4

The saxophone is a ripe instrument for comedy, whether it’s soundtracking Benny Hill mayhem or Skinemax sleaze. Dean Mitchell’s Saxsquatch project is exactly what it sounds like, providing audiences with the chance to watch Bigfoot dramatically swing his head back and honk the opening to “Careless Whisper” and other classics. High art this ain’t, but playing under stage lights in a furry outfit night after night is no mean feat. Hawthorne Theatre, 1507 SE 39th Ave. 8 pm. $15. 21+.

Saturday, April 6

The Y2K era seemed apocalyptic at the time but scans as positively utopian today, and Portuguese-Danish singer-songwriter Erika de Casier leans fully into the skittery sound of the era’s inventive post-Timbaland pop charts. If the black leather getup on the cover of her new album suggests Neo from The Matrix, de Casier is much less taciturn, and her confiding voice and sly humor are as central to her appeal as her cyberpunk aesthetic. Polaris Hall, 635 N Killingsworth Court. 7 pm. $22. 21+.

Saturday, April 6

America loves an accidental-invention story, and one of the greatest has to be how Dave Nada created moombahton; concerned the jacked-up Dutch house he was playing at a party was too fast for his audience, he slowed it to the tempo of reggaeton and lightning struck. Now living in the South of France, Nada is making a rare stateside appearance to headline at Holocene’s international dance night Global Based. Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison St. 9 pm. Free-$15. 21+.

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