UPDATE, 4:45 am:
Video footage shows, and Portland police confirm, that a man was shot and injured on the Morrison Bridge this morning shortly after midnight as anti-Trump marches continued.
The shooter stepped out of a car on the bridge, police say. The victim was transported to a hospital. Police say the suspected shooter fled, "likely in the vehicle described as a gray or silver sedan."
ORIGINAL POST, 12:24 am:
They didn't take a break.
Protests against the presidency of Donald J. Trump continued for the fourth straight night on Friday, clashing with Portland police despite Police Chief Mike Marshman's appeal that they "take a break" to avoid a repeat of Thursday's anarchist vandalism.
In response, the Portland Police Bureau deployed tear gas, flash bang grenades and rubber bullets.
An estimated 1,000 people joined the "rally for healing" organized by activists with Don't Shoot PDX and Portland's Resistance.
After the property destruction and arrests during Thursday night's protests, organizers initially said they were planning only a rally for Friday, not a march. The crowd went along with about an hour of community building exercises before launching chants of "let us march!" and "take to the streets!"
Police immediately appeared.
"We are here to assist you in exercising your First Amendment rights," a spokeswoman announced through a loud speaker. The announcement was received by near unanimous boos, and lots of middle fingers.
The crowd split up, with maybe 600 starting to march and 200 staying behind to discuss local actions participants could take to in order to help society "survive a Trump presidency."
Police initially corralled protesters half a block away from Portland City Hall, between the high walls of the Unitus building, with the pedestrian bridge overhead increasing the claustrophobic vibe.
A standoff ensued that lasted about two and a half hours. Splinter groups of several hundred each split off. One marched west, holding a seated silent protest in the Park Blocks before heading back to join the main group. A third group headed across the river before returning to the cheers of the main group.
Back together, the three groups chanted in unison as tension rose.
Police then escalated their rhetoric, saying there had been vandalism and assault and that anyone who refused to leave was subject to arrest.
Someone threw a bottle at the line of riot cops.
That launched a game of cat and mouse that lasted hours. Police pushed protesters north, and people at bars they passed came out gape and film the action.
Police shot off dozens of stun grenades, rounds of tear gas and rubber bullets.
Protesters fought back, throwing live tear-gas canisters back at the police. Someone lit a firework and tossed it over the line of cops just as it exploded into red and blue stars.
Activists had begun the night attempting to discuss the kind of tangible local change that is within reach regardless of who is president.
But protesters spent the night engaged with a symbolic enemy.
A self-identified anarchist, who would only give the fake name Armenio Lewis, defended the importance of such protests.
"Portland can be a beacon of light saying no to Trump," Lewis said. "And if a few windows get smashed? Fuck them."

Willamette Week