A Person With Measles Passed Through the Portland International Airport Last Saturday

Health officials say anyone who was in international arrivals between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm on Oct. 12 could have come in contact with the highly contagious virus.

IMAGE: M.O. Stevens / Wiki Commons.

On Saturday, Oct. 12, a person infected with measles passed through the Portland International Airport. A press release from Multnomah county says the person was not vaccinated and had recently traveled to countries where measles is common.

Health officials say anyone who was in International Arrivals and passed through immigration and passport control between 11:30 am and 1:30 pm could have come in contact with the highly contagious virus. People in other parts of the airport at that time are considered to be at a low risk of infection.

"This individual hasn't exposed anyone else since arriving in Portland," Multnomah County Deputy health officer Jenifer Vines said in a statement. "They have been in close touch with the health department and have been careful to stay away from others."

People are considered immune to the virus if they were born before 1957, have been diagnosed with measles previously, or if they have been fully vaccinated.

Pregnant women, young children and those with weakened immune systems are at heightened risk of contracting measles. Anyone at the airport on Saturday who is concerned about having come in contact with the virus should contact their health care provider no later than Friday, Oct. 18, to get a shot of immunoglobulin that could keep them from getting sick.

Measles is an airborne virus that can linger for up to two hours after an infected person has left the room and symptoms—including fever, rash, cough, runny nose and red eyes—typically start seven to 10 days after exposure.

This measles case brings the total number of Multnomah County diagnosed infections this year up to 15, the most since 1991.

Last winter, a measles outbreak of over 60 cases in the Pacific Northwest caused Washington's governor to declare a state of emergency and led to debates in the Oregon legislature about whether or not person exemptions for measles vaccines should be lawful.

Related: Pediatrician Paul Thomas Has 15,000 Patients—and He Tells Them the Measles Vaccine Might Cause Autism

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