A Portland Ad Man Has Turned Donald Trump’s Tweets Into a Cloth-Bound Book of Poetry

“I thought maybe I could turn the thing that has been weaponized into something beautiful,” he says

Artifact: Collected Poems of Donald J. Trump

What is it?
A 373-page hardcover book—bound in green cloth etched with gold lettering—that looks like a relic of a bygone era. Except this is a painfully modern token: a collection of hundreds of Trump's tweets.

Who made it?
Portlander Gregory Woodman, the 29-year-old founder of the ad agency Weller Creative, and his business partner Ian Pratt.

How did he make it?
Starting in October, Woodman and Pratt scoured TrumpTwitterArchive.com for every Trump tweet ever tweeted and arranged them in chapters such as "Loathings," "Free Verse" and "Introspective Musings." Nine poems in the "Amores" chapter are odes to NFL quarterback Tom Brady.

Who printed it?
PRC Book Printing of Hatboro, Penn. Woodman says he and Pratt scoured the poetry section at Powell's for inspiration from vintage books. "We really wanted it to feel material-wise as if it could have been published [in the '40s through '60s]," Woodman says, "because we wanted it to hold up."

Why did he make it?
Woodman says it was outrage over Trump's tweets—and the subsequent outrage over that outrage—that inspired him to collect the social media spewings in an expensive-looking poetry book. (It sells for $35 on goldengoosepublishing.com.)
"I thought maybe I could turn the thing that has been weaponized into something beautiful," he says. "We're kind of trying to create this world where everybody has failed to realize that this is beautiful poetry and we're the ones that have finally unlocked it."

How many copies has he sold?
About 450. Woodman says anecdotal evidence suggests a majority of sales are to conservatives, who dig the book because they say it is "making fun of the art world and the liberal elite by using Donald Trump as the tool to wield against the art world."

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