Readers Respond to an Instruction to Cease Breeding

“This is a great message for anyone who takes advice from billboards.”

Stop Having Kids Billboard (Brian Breneman)

Last week, WW explored the mysterious appearance of two billboards that advised Portlanders to “Stop Having Kids.” The signs are the work of a group of “vegan antinatalists” who believe human life is suffering and a blight on the planet. They appear to be funded by Eric Goldberg, a Portland photographer. Here’s what our readers had to say:

cauchys_theorum, via “This is a great message for anyone who takes advice from billboards.”

SafeSpacer, via “Like environmental fatalism, this sentiment is hardly new. Each generation has its own version of living in the end times and a segment of its members who abhor those who have preceded them.”

T Sheehan, via “Normally, I’d have to wait ‘til Shark Week in July to get my annual dose of ‘Man Is the Real Monster’ comments, but this billboard in my neighborhood is there for me every day. “And this is the difference between vegans and vegetarians. One is a diet, the other is the result of three generations of self-hate reeducation.”

scipanda, via Reddit: “Should do a 180 on the Christian picketers outside abortion clinics and go to picket ‘Stop Having Kids’ at Christian churches.”

Corey Pein, former longtime WW reporter, via Twitter: “Extremely creepy outfit. Saw some demonstrating on the street here in Alberta last year and went down the rabbit hole. Links to fascists who advocate for mass death while masquerading as environmentalists.”

PedalPDX, via Reddit: “Antinatalism as a campaign seems it’s like trying to shift the Overton window in a battle that’s already been won. Particularly in (1) Oregon, and especially in (2) urban Portland. But in the meantime, you are making progressivism seem weird and depressing, so…that’s great, I guess. (Per the WW article: ‘The site lists a myriad of reasons for being antinatalist, including…”Life Is Suffering.”’ Great, inspiring message that’s definitely going to win over folks! Nicely done.)

“If you wanted to make a big impact, you’d need to bring the message to places where the birth rate is still high. Primarily, that’s developing nations, but telling people of color in developing nations to have less kids is, obviously, exceedingly problematic, both morally and optically.”

SophLady, via “The fellow seems to be mainly an attention seeker. Opposition to human reproduction, period. Veganism. Support of anti-vaxxers and novel coronavirus denial.

“Note that for this sort of person the supposed politics can change easily. We may next hear of Eric Goldberg as a Peter Thiel-admiring venture capitalist.”

Apothecary Ben, via Twitter: “After my three sons were born, me and my wife decided to ‘stop having kids.’ And we’re sticking to our guns!”

AntiFuggedaboutit, via “Me, seeing the billboard: ‘That’s crazy! What a horrible and nihilistic view of humanity.’” “Me, reading the WW comments: ‘I think they might be on to something.’”

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