Meet the Five High-Level Staffers Who Left Gov. Tina Kotek’s Office

Tensions over the first lady’s role led to historic exodus.

Tina Kotek May press conf (Nathaniel Perales)

Lindsey Burrows, deputy general counsel: Burrows previously worked as a criminal defense lawyer. In 2018, she became one of the few lawyers ever to win two cases in the same day before the Oregon Supreme Court. Insiders say Burrows grew disillusioned over Gov. Tina Kotek’s unwillingness to place structure around first lady Aimee Kotek Wilson’s role. She resigned April 9. Burrows declined to comment.

Andrea Cooper, chief of staff: After a series of legislative jobs, Cooper ran Kate Brown’s 2018 reelection campaign, served as Service Employees International Union Local 503′s political director and then became deputy chief of staff to Brown. Kotek then made her the first Black chief of staff to an Oregon governor. She is currently working a temporary job for the state, allowing her to preserve her $303,000 annual salary, in what appears to be compensation for her firing. Cooper declined to comment.

An Do, communications director: Do came to the governor’s office after leading Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon, the political arm of one of the state’s most influential progressive groups. She resigned April 24, soon after Kotek’s office released public records about the first lady. Do declined to comment.

Lindsey O’Brien, deputy chief of staff: O’Brien worked for Kotek the longest. She started as Kotek’s communications director in 2015 and later became chief of staff in the speaker’s office. As a longtime loyalist, O’Brien’s decision to take leave March 22 confirmed the depth of the discord in the governor’s office. O’Brien, who is not expected to return, declined to comment.

Abby Tibbs, special adviser: Tibbs served as chief of staff for the Senate Democrats and later state director for U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.), and then oversaw government relations and communications for Oregon Health & Science University. For Kotek, she took on the job of preparing the governor’s first state budget after the 2022 election and later acted as a general trouble shooter. She has returned to OHSU and declined to comment.

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