Shannon Jones Isadore Holds Healthy Lead in Portland’s Most Competitive Oregon House Race

The race to succeed state Rep. Maxine Dexter drew three strong candidates.

Shannon Jones Isadore (Whitney McPhie)

Shannon Jones Isadore is the likely winner in the hotly contested Democratic primary in House District 33 (Northwest Portland).

The race to succeed state Rep. Maxine Dexter, who on May 21 won the Democratic pirmary in the 3rd Congressional District, drew a strong field: Jones Isadore, a former Marine turned therapist who now runs an addiction treatment clinic; Dr. Brian Duty, a surgeon and administrator at Oregon Health & Science University; and business lawyer Pete Grabiel.

Each of the candidates earned meaningful endorsements and each raised more than $100,000, but the early vote count showed a big gap between Jones Isadore (48%) and Grabiel (29%) and Duty (23%). The winner will take Dexter’s seat, as Democrats hold a nearly 7-to-1 registration over Republicans in the 33rd District.

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