Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle Is Donating More Than $3 Million to the Oregon Harbor of Hope Shelter

The previous total for his donations was $1.5 million.

Wy'East Shelter in East Portland. (Motoya Nakamura / Multnomah County)

When city and county officials announced they'd be pitching in to the private-sector effort to build a shelter in Portland's Pearl District, they cited a successful campaign to hit fundraising goals.

In all, Oregon Harbor of Hope has raised $3.5 million from private sources, the Jan 14 email from the Joint Office of Homeless Services announced.

“The navigation center will mark the most ambitious public-private partnership on homelessness yet. Harbor of Hope, after hitting its fundraising target, will contribute $3.5 million for construction and capital costs,” the Jan. 14 press release states.

Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle and his wife, Mary, had initially contributed $1.5 million. But the source of the additional revenue was not clear.

Boyle, however, tells WW the couple has since increased their donation to more than $3 million.

His reason for increasing his contribution? Increased costs.

"For various reasons, costs have escalated, and we have agreed to increase our contribution to cover much of the unforeseen increases," he emailed WW.

The shelter will be 9,000 square feet with room for 120 beds. It will operate round the clock. The shelter won't be housed in a traditional building but rather a tentlike structure.

The project breaks ground later this month and marks that milestone with an event tomorrow.

"The navigation center approach has been proven to work, offering not just shelter but essential support services," said developer Homer Williams in statement, who has been the driving force behind opening the Oregon Harbor of Hope shelter. "We are grateful for all the talented, committed people and the Joint City/County Office for Homelessness who have come together to make this happen."

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