Chloe Eudaly Won’t Run for City Council in 2024

Jo Ann Hardesty has given no indication she’ll run, either.

Former City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly. (Wesley Lapointe)

Former City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly, who held office from 2017 to 2021, wrote last month on her Substack that she will not run for the new 12-member City Council next year.

“I’ve got other life priorities right now—family obligations, finishing up a book, going back to school, and continuing to write Street Wonk—and I’d rather devote my free time to ensuring we elect as many progressive candidates to our newly expanded Council as possible in 2024!” she wrote. Eudaly did say she hasn’t ruled out a run in the future, however.

But on Street Wonk, Eudaly offered her two cents on two rumored candidates: former Portland Mayor Sam Adams and former City Commissioner Steve Novick, who Eudaly defeated in 2016.

Novick, she wrote, is a “rare breed of politician who can put their ego aside for the greater good.” Adams, she wrote in contrast, is a “man who apparently has no shame and can’t take no for an answer.”

Meanwhile, another former city commissioner rumored to be mulling a return, Jo Ann Hardesty, has given no indication she plans to run in 2024. Hardesty just last week agreed to a $670,000 settlement with Portland’s police union after being wrongly implicated by several cops in a 2021 hit-and-run that she had nothing to do with.

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