Don’t worry, there’s still time to vote. Ballots must be postmarked by tomorrow at 8 pm. Given how close you’re cutting it to the deadline, however, the safest bet is to drop your ballot at an official county dropbox by 8 pm.
There are 32 of those boxes spread across the county. Make sure you check the map, however, as there’s been a few updates in recent years.
One of the newest additions is the asbestos-laden Hansen Building, the hulking former sheriff’s office that Multnomah County has been trying to repurpose or get rid of for decades. (It’s now known as the “Multnomah County Eyesore Complex,” according to Google Maps.)
Surrounded by a chain-link fence, it’s not the most welcoming option. “It did not look like a place that you should go into and yet the box was there,” says WW reader Carl Powell, who tried to drop off his ballot at the site earlier this month. “We did not enter because it did not look like ANYONE should be there.”
But the drive-by dropbox is, in fact, open. The site, which went online last year, replaces the Midland Library, which closed for construction last March.
That library was one of the county’s most popular drop-off sites, says county elections director Tim Scott. The Hansen Building, which was already owned by the county, presented a convenient alternative.
Still, Powell wonders: Why wasn’t the county’s brand-new building across the street, a library operations center, chosen instead?
There wasn’t time, Scott explains. “The library’s distribution center was not in existence when we moved it out there,” he says.
Hansen’s isn’t the only dropbox that’s moved in recent years. Scott recommends voters check the latest list on the county’s website to avoid any confusion.