ICE Contractor Cuts Ties with Vancouver Proud Boy

Last month, Nicholas Carefelle posted bail for self-avowed Proud Boy Donovan Flippo, who had been arrested for an alleged 2018 assault.

The Aug. 4 showing was one of the largest gatherings of Proud Boys in Portland. The men’s fraternity, which wears gold-trimmed polo shirts, has been labeled a hate group by some watchdogs. (Liz Allan)

A Vancouver man no longer works for the GEO Group, a private prison contractor that runs immigrant detention centers for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, after WW reported his affiliation with an often-violent political group, the Proud Boys.

Last month, Nicholas Carefelle posted bail for self-avowed Proud Boy Donovan Flippo, who had been arrested for an alleged 2018 assault.

Since reporting Carefelle posted Flippo's bail, WW has learned Carefelle also allowed BBC News to film a documentary about the Proud Boys inside his Vancouver, Wash., home. The footage and photos published by BBC News show several high-profile Proud Boys playing video games, lifting weights and giving interviews inside the house.

The address of Carefelle's home, which is visible in the documentary footage, matches court records. The house's facade and front yard, also shown in the film, match photos of Carefelle's home posted on Google Maps and Zillow.

GEO Group launched a personnel investigation after WW showed the company court records indicating Carefelle had paid Flippo's bail. On June 18, Pablo Paez, GEO Group executive vice president, told WW that Carefelle no longer worked for the ICE contractor. ICE declined to comment.

Carefelle did not return WW's requests for comment.

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