Multnomah County District Attorney Rejects Cases of People Accused of Thanksgiving Morning Vandalism

The DA's office referred the cases back to the Portland Police Bureau for further investigation.

Vandalism on Nov. 26 at New Seasons. (Portland Police Bureau)

The Multnomah County District Attorney's office declined to bring charges against three suspects arrested amid an early Thanksgiving morning vandalism spree, court records say.

Shortly after 1 am on Nov. 26, the Portland Police Bureau responded to reports of a black-clad group breaking windows and vandalizing businesses along Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard, including the New Seasons market and a Bank of America.

Police later located a group they say "carr[ied] evidence connecting them to the vandalism," and arrested three people believed to be affiliated with the damage: Chester Hester, 24 Nicole Noriega, 38, and Bailey Willack, 23.

All three were booked into the Multnomah County Jail on 10 counts of criminal mischief. On Nov. 27, the DA's office declined to initiate the cases and referred them back to the Portland Police Bureau for further investigation.

"We expect that upon the completion of that investigative follow-up, these cases will be resubmitted and rescreened for prosecution," Brent Weisberg, a spokesman for the DA's office, tells WW.

Correction: The article initially stated that a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge dismissed the cases. The District Attorney's office later clarified that it was the decision of the DA's office to refer the cases back to law enforcement.

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