Readers Respond to Plans That Would Turn Lloyd Center Mall Into a Neighborhood

“You could make it into the most awesome Gen X retirement home on the West Coast.”

Ice Skating in Lloyd Center (Michael Raines)

Good things come to those who forgot they wanted them. Two years ago, WW presented six ideas for how to use the 23 acres that now hold Lloyd Center Mall (“Tomorrowlloyd,” Nov. 17, 2021). We even asked readers to submit ideas for the property—and you did, by the dozens. Since then, the mall has been used as an emergency shelter in hot weather, hosted roller-skating parties, gained a handful of boutique shops, and featured prominently in Mayor Ted Wheeler’s dreams of Major League Baseball. But last week, KKR, the New York City lender that now owns the mall, announced its plans for it—and the concept was our first proposal from 2021, an outdoor street grid with housing and shopping. Here’s what our readers had to say:

Wendy Susan Dean, via Facebook: “I loved the original Lloyd Center. It was our only large open-air mall, so lots of folks came to shop. Learned to skate at the original rink and Christmas Eve at Lloyd Center was a marvelous time for kids.”

Nancy Kathleen, via Facebook: “If they move the rink…Please restore its original size. Higher-level skaters can once again practice and compete there, bringing more money into the area.”

City Commissioner Carmen Rubio, via Twitter: “The Lloyd Center site has historical significance in our North/Northeast community. I am encouraged that the current owners envision creating an authentically Portland neighborhood that will reflect our city’s core values of inclusivity and sustainability.”

Casey Holdahl, via Twitter: “So...not a baseball stadium.”

Steverino, via “Please, let this be the stake through the heart of any new baseball stadium.

“This at least will create housing and not be a boondoggle for taxpayers to pay.”

Ben Kizer, via “I want MLB in PDX, but this looks pretty cool. Lloyd Center could become a very cool area and give people going to Blazers games more to do. If the baseball stadium ends up happening, likely it’s going to be where RedTail Golf currently is right now.”

Eric Martinez, via Facebook: “Ironically enough, the man that designed the shopping mall wanted it to be a place you could live and work in near the city center with parks and public gathering places. They were never intended to be an isolated shopping complex in the middle of nowhere.”

Mahan Kaur, via Facebook: “This makes me so happy. I believe that all shopping areas should have housing. I grew up skating at Lloyd Center; put me on the list for an affordable apartment for the average person.”

Gray Meg Kaskey, via Facebook: “I just started playing pickleball and it’s hard to find courts (especially indoor with the rain)…hint, hint to the developers…if you build it they will come.”

David Bowden, via Facebook: “You could make it into the most awesome Gen X retirement home on the West Coast.”

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