If you’ve gone for a drive in the Portland area in the past three months, you’ve probably noticed the billboards advertising dance troupe Shen Yun (slogan: “China Before Communism”). If you’re a close reader of The New York Times (slogan: “America Before Fascism”), you might have read a story about Shen Yun’s treatment of its underage dancers. Put the two together, as WW did last week, and it was an awkward moment for the manager of the Keller Auditorium, regional government Metro (slogan: “We Bought a Zoo”). Metro officials stood by the booking on free-speech grounds, although not before flagging a potential controversy in internal agency communications (“Dancing Around the Subject,” WW, Jan. 22). Here’s what our readers had to say:
PDXS, via wweek.com: “Shen Yun is a hate crime against art. It’s straight-up ham-fisted propaganda—and that’s why I recommend no one go. Given the cult-adjacency of the company, I’m not surprised they treat their performers so poorly, providing yet another reason to give the shows wide berth. Pro tip: Spend your money on something good instead.”
Sosthenes, via wweek.com: “I have never been bothered to ask about the politics of that opera singer or ballet dancer. I presume that they have political ideas and thoughts that I may feel an affinity with—or may not; but it would never occur to me to make these things or anything a litmus test. Egads!
“I am mindful of the late 1960s—a part of television were the periodic ‘King Family Specials’ and a short-run TV series. The King Family was wholesome and white and very middle America, and also Mormon. Among a certain few, who seem to worry about such things, there was a campaign at the time to diminish the King Family because of their faith connections. It was alleged that they were sending subtle religious messages.
“The King Family did not realign the trajectory of time and the course of civilization—and I doubt that Shen Yun will either.”
Laura Ryan, via wweek.com: “Sounds like none of the commenters have actually seen the show. Politics and religion aside, to say that it’s at least false advertising is a gross understatement. Very little of the show is as advertised in the TV commercials and billboards of pretty dancers in pretty costumes. People bring their kids to what turns out to be 90% grim violent reenactments of persecution and slaughter that get much worse in the second act. This shady old bitch has been returning to the same venues in the same cities across the country for 20 years, and every few years, objections percolate up in the press—and then she’s back next year. It’s revenue and taxes to the cities, so, shrug.”
chimi_hendrix, via Reddit: “Always wanted to go to one of these shows out of pure morbid curiosity, but I refuse to give them any money, so…”
seaflowervintage, via Instagram: “I work at the Keller and have managed to avoid working Shen Yun for years now.”
Patricio Carlos, via wweek.com: “It really is an odd story from WW. If people don’t like the weird religion mixed with dancing, don’t go, but don’t have the government shut it down. That’s censorship.”
roguerunner1, via Reddit: “Going on a decadelong grudge protest of a cult dance group because you got duped into giving them $300 is admittedly a little funny.”

Not all that left are high earners [“The Anxiety of Choice,” WW, Jan. 19]. I’m a born and raised Oregonian, and had lived in Multnomah County from 1989 to 2022. I make about $60,000 a year. I work in manufacturing in Vancouver and work alternating weeks of either three days or four days. So I bought a house in Roosevelt, Wash. Twelve hundred square feet on a half-acre with a beautiful view of the Columbia for $229,000. That’s where I spend my weekends. When I have to work I stay at a cheap room I rent in Vancouver. Getting Oregon and Multnomah County out of my wallet made it possible for me to buy a house even with the added expense of renting a room in Vancouver and commuting twice a week. It’s cheaper than living in Oregon.
Byron Yale
Roosevelt, Wash.
A story on Owyhee Canyonlands incorrectly named a Harney County environmental advocate. She is Dr. Julie Weikel, not Dr. Judy Weikel.
A story on CityTeam gave an incorrect address for its new rehab shelter. It is on Northwest Davis Street, not Southwest Ankeny Street.
WW regrets the errors.
Letters to the editor must include the author’s street address and phone number for verification. Letters must be 250 or fewer words. Submit to: P.O. Box 10770, Portland, OR 97296Email: amesh@wweek.com