Dennis Richardson says He’ll Seek Re-Election

Oregon’s only Republican statewide officeholder has been battling brain cancer since May.

Dennis Richardson (Oregon National Guard)
Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, Oregon’s only Republican statewide officeholder, has been battling brain cancer since May. He’s reduced his public schedule to almost nothing and no longer attends meetings of the State Land Board in person.
But last week, in a rare interview, Richardson told Jim Pasero, publisher of the conservative Oregon Transformation newsletter, he’s optimistic about his future and his ability to hold onto a position Democrats covet.
“With God’s help, I’ll complete this term in office, and with the voters’ help, I’ll win re-election,” Richardson told Pasero. “My 2020 campaign engine is fired up and moving forward. In fact, last week, I sent my first fundraising letter for the 2020 election.”

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