Naomi Wolf Slated to Speak at an Anti-Vaccine Rally in Oregon Tomorrow

Oregonians for Medical Freedom are advertising a June 9 vigil with “Dr. Naomi Wolf” and other prominent anti-vaxxers.

Naomi Wolf Naomi Wolf in 2012. (Michael Fleshman / Flickr)

Oregonians for Medical Freedom, a group opposed to vaccine requirements even before the COVID-19 pandemic, is advertising a June 9 rally at the state Capitol, headlined by Dr. Naomi Wolf, the noted feminist suspended from Twitter this week for spreading vaccine misinformation.

“LETS STAND AGAINST THE INJUSTICES OF THE COVID LOCKDOWNS,” the online flier for the event reads.

Wolf, a leading figure of third-wave feminism and author of The Beauty Myth, has descended into conspiracy theories around vaccines. Twitter suspended her account after she suggested separating the human waste of vaccinated people from other sewage.

She’s slated to be joined at the rally opposing vaccine passports by Kevin Jenkins, whom the London-based Center for Countering Digital Hate identified as one of a dozen anti-vaccine activists responsible for most vaccine misinformation online. (Oregonians for Medical Freedom did not respond to email inquiries.)

Dr. Paul Thomas, the Beaverton anti-vaxx pediatrician, is also scheduled speak. He touted the vigil as a celebratory moment for his followers: “Great News: Dr. Paul Thomas MD just got his license reinstated by the Oregon Medical Board. Come hear his take on what is going on and where we need to go from here to protect our children and their future,” his June 8 email newsletter read.

Thomas’ license was suspended on an emergency basis in December; it was reinstated with the provision he care only for “acute” cases and not advise anyone on vaccinations. He still faces disciplinary proceedings that could permanently revoke his license.

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