Oregon Senator Introduces Anti-Moonlighting Bill

The bill comes late in a session in which absent Senate Republicans make it likely that legislation still in the upper chamber will die due to a lack of quorum.

Meek (Mick Hangland-Skill)

In the wake of Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s abrupt resignation earlier this month after WW revealed her $10,000-a-month consulting contract with an affiliate of the troubled cannabis company La Mota, state Sen. Mark Meek (D-Gladstone) introduced a bill May 31 that would remove similar temptation in the future.

Senate Bill 1103 would make it illegal for any statewide elected official to work as a contractor, employee or controlling owner of an outside business while in office.

The bill comes late in a session in which absent Senate Republicans make it likely that legislation still in the upper chamber will die due to a lack of quorum. But Meek says he felt strongly that he needed to make a point: “Top elected leaders should be 100% focused on working for the people—not outside special interests. Oregonians across the state deserve a government that is transparent, ethical, and responsive to their needs. SB 1103 delivers on that promise.”

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