Extended Q&A with Quarterflash's Marv Ross

Whatever Happened To...
Where you were when “Harden My Heart” broke?
Village Voice
Did you have a manager at the time?
That's an immense amount of pressure to deal with after only one record.
How long had you known your wife [Rindy Ross, Quarterflash's singer/saxophonist] at the time?
Did you know "Harden My Heart" was a hit when you wrote it?
Was “Harden My Heart” also your first video, then?
I just watched it this morning.
All of the sudden, did you find yourself much wealthier?
People often don't take well to that.
You can pretty much do whatever you want [with a band like that].
How long has the Trail Band existed at this point?
Did you have any idea it would last so long?
How did doing research for the Trail Band play into your writing [the musical] Ghosts of Celilo?
Ghosts of Celilo
You were having trouble finding the lead. Did you ever think the musical might not get made?
Have you always been a history buff?
Do people who go to Ghosts of Celilo know about your history with Quarterflash?
The Simpsons
How does it feel to be known as a "one-hit wonder," so to speak, to have “Harden My Heart” be the thing you're known for?
Does [Ross' company] Ross Productions exist mainly for the Trail Band and Celilo?
PlayWrite Inc.
What do you think you'd be doing now if you hadn't received that call from the state of Oregon?
How important was it for you to be successful when you started out in music?
[Ross and I then got talking about music in a more general sense—what we like, what we've been listening to lately. The following story came out of that.]
Night Shift
Ms. Pac-Man
Those are the Pac-Man characters.
This is where my tape-recorder ran out of tape, but here's how the story ends, mostly paraphrased


Quarterflash's allmusic page
The Trail Band
Ghosts of Celilo
Ross Productions
Top photo: Quarterflash back in the day—Rindy with the sax, and I believe that's Marv in the shades, though it's hard to tell (based on other photos, he appears to have had short hair at the time); bottom photo: Marv and Rindy now, both taken from Google image searches.

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