Outbreak of Vintage Santas at bSIDE6 this Friday

The Santa Project at bSIDE6

Chris Willis really, really digs Santa Claus. In fact, the Southwest Portland artist is so taken with St. Nick he’s collected 150 vintage light up effigies of the jolly old elf, specifically blow molds from Empire Plastics Corp., a “now defunct Tarboro, NC-based company that produced the joyful figures from 1968-1985.” (He’s also got a ton of snowmen, angels, reindeer and elves.) Bask in the electric glow of his obsession starting this Friday night at bSIDE6, where his epic “Santa army” will be on display 5 pm-midnight through Jan. 1.

Willis’ press release is charming and slightly menacing…kinda like the Claus himself:

Ever wonder how many vintage illuminating Santas can be collected in one year’s time? Come by 528 E. Burnside (in the bSIDE6 building) the month of December to find out just how far one person’s obsession with lighted Christmas figures can go. Reception Friday, December 10th, 6pm to 10pm. Dress warm.

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