City Hall: Mayor Reassigns Troubled Bureau

Commissioner Dan Saltzman

Mayor Sam Adams announced today he had reassigned oversight of two city bureaus, the Office of Cable and Franchise Management and the Bureau of Development Services, to Commissioner Dan Saltzman.

The move continues a City Hall tradition that Saltzman knows well. Since first taking office in 1999, Saltzman has taken the helm at many troubled bureaus. The Bureau of Development Services is only the latest. Amid the recession, BDS lost millions from its budget reserve and had to cut its staff in half. Commissioner Randy Leonard oversaw the bureau during its downturn.

In our April 2010 endorsement issue in which we backed Saltzman's re-election, we had this to say about the City Council's most veteran member:

In May 2010, in response to a dust-up over budgeting, Adams stripped Saltzman of his duties as police commissioner. That move came just days before Saltzman's successful re-election. Until today, Adams has had to answer questions repeatedly about why he hadn't given Saltzman a new assignment.

In making his announcement today, Adams said Leonard needed more time to devote to overseeing the Bureau of Fire & Rescue, which recently won a voter-approved $72.4 million bond. He also said Commissioner Amanda Fritz, who used to oversee the cable office, needed to focus on another new project—building Adams' recently announced Office of Equity.

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