Another Prominent Reporter Leaves The Oregonian

Another prominent reporter is leaving The Oregonian.

Peter Ames Carlin, who joined the newspaper as TV columnist in 2000, has announced his resignation. He's been on leave since January working on a biography of Bruce Springsteen and says he's quitting to give the book his full attention. Carlin is also the author of well-received bios of Brian Wilson and Paul McCartney.

Carlin first went to The O in 1985 as a copy aide and later worked as a senior writer for People magazine. His reporting on ex-KOIN newsman Jeff Allen's double life led to Allen's federal conviction last year.

Carlin says he's been affected by cutbacks and changes at the daily.

"The paper's needs and mission have shifted away from the kind of work I felt most interested in doing," Carlin says. "So that's sad, but I've got a lot of work on the Springsteen book ahead of me, and other opportunities I'm eager to pursue once the book is done."

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