Bend Surgeon Off to Strong Fundraising Start

Dr. Knute Buehler

Dr. Knute Buehler, the Bend orthopedic surgeon seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for Secretary of State, is showing an ability to pull in big campaign checks.

Last month, Buehler, a former Oregon State baseball player and Rhodes Scholar, seeded his campaign with a $30,000 loan. But recent filings show he's pulled in another $45,000 since then, including $10,000 from Kathryn Baker of Bend and three $5,000 checks. Most of the money has come from Bend-area donor and family members. But Buehler's filings also show he has hired leading GOP fundraiser Lori Hardwick, who last year helped another first-time candidate, Chris Dudley, the Republicans' 2010 candidate for governor, raise more than $10 million.

Incumbent Secretary of State Kate Brown, a Portland Democrat, has not yet cranked up her cash machine. Brown, a prodigious fundraiser in her previous role as Senate Majority Leader, has raised less than $9,000 this year and has only about $5,000 on hand. Her relaxed approach contrasts with the dialing for dollars by other statewide electeds: State Treasurer Ted Wheeler has raised $75,000 recently; and Attorney General John Kroger, who announced last week that he'll seek re-election, is sitting on about $330,000 with no opponent in sight.

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