Cortright Analysis of CRC Traffic Study: Tolls Will Generate Massive Diversion

Portland economist Joe Cortright has taken a hard look (PDF) at a February tolling study produced for the $3.4 billion Columbia River Crossing Project by the consulting firm CDM Smith. Cortright findings cast further doubt on the assumptions about traffic volumes over the proposed new bridge and the tolling revenue that is supposed to provide the biggest portion of the project's financing.

Here's a summary of Cortright's findings:

As WW reported last year, tolling on for a new bridge project near Seattle caused a more than 30 percent diversion in traffic.

Cortright prepared his tolling analysis for Plaid Pantry, which opposes construction of the CRC project. His previous criticism of the traffic and revenue estimates produced by the CRC project was validated by independent studies commissioned by State Treasurer Ted Wheeler.

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