What to plant in that shady Victory Garden and more.

copy editor Sarah Smith knows everything about plants and gardens—at least, compared to the rest of us around here. So, in honor of the sun reappearing in PDX this past week, we asked her to let us in on some veggie garden intel and upcoming green thumb events in town.
Made In The Shade:
Portland community garden plot
and it's shady.
lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, snap and snow peas, garlic, cucumbers, asparagus and zucchini
Livingscape Nursery
Also raspberries, and strawberries
Be Helpful:
Jenna Barnett
she's seeking donations of sun and especially shade-tolerant plants for the community project
Destination, Plants:
Hardy Plant Society
spring sale
Photo of the Hardy Plant Society sale 2008 courtesy of the Hardy Plant Society.

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