Dub's St. Johns

9520 Lombard St., 998-8230, dubstjohns.com. Lunch and dinner Monday-Saturday.

We can think of no better way to carbo-load before a marathon than Dub's fried chicken with your choice of pieces, which should be a leg and a thigh, served over two gigantic, fluffy waffles and doused with syrup ($13). Actually, we can think of a lot of better ways, but none would be as crisp and soft, or as sweet and savory and satiating, all at the same time. Tucked in the Ranger Tavern, this neighborhood joint gets crowded on weekends—which must mean there are a lot of Sunday marathons getting run. If you go with the tangy brisket or rib tip dinners ($15 and $14, respectively), make sure to get bow ties and cheese or garlic mashed potatoes as your side. Leave those collard greens be. Who are you trying to fool, anyway? What's next, salad?

Check out Willamette Week's 2016 Cheap Eats guide here.

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